"I was worried that it would be a type of language that is too hard to translate, both in terms of actual language but also in terms of feeling. In Sweden you don't hard sell in that typical American salesperson way.
But these templates are beyond that. They are elegant, storytelling, engaging, funny in a way that goes well with my own kind of humor, and respectful. I absolutely LOVE sending emails like this to my lists.
I also love having a mentor who I can actually talk to/brainstorm with via email, not just in a FB group or on a group call. Someone who understands what I'm talking about!"
Sylvia Oppenheim, The Hormone Whisperer

"Almost all of the rules so many experts swear by are just pure 100% poppycock.
They say don't email people every day, because it upsets them. They say you must write short teaser emails not long selling ones... they say you must then lure people to a landing page because you'll lose them if you start selling too soon. UTTER RUBBISH!
Forget the guys who say 'I'll make you rich in 3 days.' Turn to Daniel Levis for advice based on deep study, real practice and good thinking. The genuine article."
Drayton Bird, Legendary Direct Marketer, Author Commonsense Direct & Digital Marketing
"With just a few emails, we filled my webinar with over 2,000 exuberant prospects for a $25,000 product.
Because Daniel's philosophy and easy-to-implement systems are built on TRUST... they extol, advocate, and champion the needs, concerns, and welfare of your prospects and customers.
It's as if he took the core of my 'Strategy of Preeminence' and applied its central tenants to email marketing."
Jay Abraham, Business Consultant & Strategic Marketing Expert

"Filled My Webinar With Over 2,000 Prospects for a $25,000 Product..."
"I Absolutely LOVE Marketing Like This..."
"Daniel Levis is the Genuine Article..."
Look What Our Members Are Saying...
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Phone (705) 719-7954 | support(at)daniellevis.com
"Tens of thousands of dollars worth of copy written and pulling in sales (and months of my time saved) in less than 7 days!" - Charlie Hutton

"There are legendary names in the industry of Direct Marketing like Gary Halbert, John Carlton, Dan Kennedy, etc.
Daniel Levis is one of these Modern Day legendary names from the school of direct marketing... where marketing principles work based on testing, persuasion, NLP, and psychology.
When a person like Daniel comes around to teach you, THIS is the training you want to take part in."
Andy Jenkins, Founder of Marketing Genesis

"Darn near irresistible!
That's how I would describe the email copy that comes out the other side of Daniel Levis' Science of Client-Getting methodology.
If you want the ability to crank out highly-engaging and action-driving email copy, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better teacher than Daniel."
Todd Brown, MarketingFunnelAutomation.com
"Daniel Levis is a "Force Majeure" when it comes to list building and lead generation.
Learning from him and applying his methods in my business has made a massive difference.
I've used templatized emails before and was never quite happy with the results until I've discovered Email Alchemy.
I'm now a convert for life."
Charl Coetzee

"When It Comes to Client-Getting, There's No One Better Than Daniel Levis"
"THIS is the Training You Want to Take Part In..."
"One of the Best, Most Comprehensive Training Programs..."
"With English as my second language, I've always struggled to write copy... so I'm stoked with my results!" - Yassin Shaar
"I highly recommend you get involved with Daniel Levis... his programs are great, we use them in our own business!" - Mike Filsaime

"Daniel Levis is quite an extraordinary copywriter, marketing coach, and consultant. He has created some of the most amazing sales promotions that I've seen.
Many people think email has run its course. Daniel proves conclusively that is not the case."
JP Mendocha, Partner Relations, Perry Marshall & Associates

"There are two things every entrepreneurial advisor must do...
... Motivate people to take action. Give them the tools to do the right job. Important work. Keep it up!"
Michael Masterson, Bestselling author, self-made millionaire, and master copywriter
"Daniel is one of the handful of copywriters I personally rank as 'Best in the Biz.'
He's also the most brilliant web marketing strategist I've ever met."
Clayton Makepeace, Billion-Dollar Copywriter

"The Most Brilliant Web Marketing Strategist I've Ever Met."
"Some of the Most Amazing Sales Promotions That I've Seen..."
"You Are Doing Your Students a Great Service..."
"This program is guaranteed to take your game to the next level, even with limited resources... it's completely changed my life!" - James Fry
"We DOUBLED our sales from the first promotion and more than paid for your help the first weekend we had it!" - Peter Ippolito

"Definitely one of the biggest 'shortcuts' for writing fast, effective copy I've ever found.
My advice: get involved with this program and apply it in your business. You won't regret it.
Daniel teaches you how to crank out winning sales promotions that automatically pull in and nurture fresh new leads daily... no fancy sales letter or launches with a ton of moving parts required.
It's good to know you can put lead generation on auto-pilot and focus your full attention on the all-important last mile of the sales cycle - the enrollment call."
Ron Reich, SinsofAttraction.com

"Science of Client-Getting dug far deeper into my list and quadrupled my sales - for real, that is not hype. It generated a tsunami of orders I had no idea were even there.
In just two weeks, we pulled $300K in immediate sales for 3X Sellerator, plus another $100K+ in payment plan sales, all from a list of fewer than 25,000 names. People who had already been exposed to a recent launch for 3X VSL Generator.
That's well over $16 per name! Amazing!"
Jon Benson, Author, marketing consultant, creator of 3X Sellerator

"Dug Far Deeper Into My List and Quadrupled My Sales..."
"Get Involved in This Program and Apply It In Your Business!"
"I was on pins and needles when I hit the start button... but when the consults and the new clients started pouring in, just 7 days later... I'm now looking forward to my first 6-figure month." - Dr. Rob McDermott
"I can't even count how much money I've made working with Daniel... every time I do, when I send out an email the money comes back in!" - Noah St. John

"As a cybersecurity IT expert, I spend a lot of time writing useful how-to guides, books, and emails educating medical practices and businesses on how to stay ahead of the latest zero-day malware security threats, and how to avoid a costly and embarrassing HIPAA breach.
Daniel Levis is an amazing copywriter! He provides very useful tips and information I can immediately put to work in my writing. I'm a huge fan and active member of his Email Alchemy Elite program, which has also proven to be worth 10x my investment.
It is with the teachings and encouragement from Daniel, I was able to complete my latest book. Highly recommended!"
Craig Petronella, CEO, Petronella Technology Group, Inc

"Science of Client-Getting Worth 10x My Investment..."
"I am blown away to say that in the first 4 months we did over $300,000 in sales thanks to Daniel's promo and swipes!" - Rob Kosberg
"With so many tools that automate the whole process with the emails, it's really a hand-in-glove solution. It's a great way to learn and make money at the same time!" - Phil Alfaro
"If you're on the borderline of whether you should do this or not, and want confirmation, email or call me at (412) 521-2732!" - James Lange

"Then Daniel Levis comes along and stomps the ant pile to dust. His EMAIL ALCHEMY is a total disruption of the way most of us go about building email campaigns.
This is NOT more 'tips and tricks for getting emails opened and read' that so many other teachers burp out... this is a clean, fresh, and deeply psychological look at why people buy and how to help them decide to do it with your emails.
This approach will not only revive your list, slap away slumping sales funnels and ignite a riot of new income... it will permanently replace the lazy bad habits and missed opportunities that are costing you a fortune right now!"
Kevin Rogers, Million-dollar copywriter and author

"Of all the things I've done to create more time in my business and my life, systematizing my email marketing was in the TOP 3.
That's why we've been applying the systems and strategies of the man known in the upper echelons of marketing as, THE EMAIL ALCHEMIST.
We recently rolled out an email campaign using his secrets, for an 80/20 training... our registrations were STAGGERING... 5 EMAILS brought us 2,600 signups for the webinar!"
Perry Marshall, Author of 80/20 Sales and Marketing
"Daniel's system helped me wake up a list that I hadn't mailed much in 7 years and jumpstart my EVOLVED ENTERPRISE program without having to advertise.
This way I was able to invest more of my time and money in creating the best and most meaningful program possible.
And I was able to take my book to bestseller status!"
Yanik Silver, MaverickMBA.com

"Woke Up a List That I Hadn't Mailed Much In 7 Years..."
"10 Years Into Copywriting I Would Have Sworn I Had Email Figured Out..."
"5 Emails Brought Us 2,600 Signups for the Webinar!"
"Your email didn't just give us a 10x or 20x return on investment... it got us a 100x return on investment! We are pretty happy!" - John Munsell
"Daniel Levis knows more about email than anyone I've ever met. He's the only person I recommend on the subject, and the only person whose webinar I've sat through for over an hour-and-a-half because I was so fascinated." - Drayton Bird
"Hands down the best investment I have made in my entrepreneurial career!" - Bismark Ampofo
"In 6 weeks I've grown from 0 email subscribers to 613 with total collected revenue of $20,100 on $2,359 spent on Facebook ads. That's $28.94 profit per email subscriber, which has been an awesome experience!" - Avi Rasowsky
"Split Test: The old campaign generated 38 sales. My new campaign, Levis style, generated 330 sales!" - Jon Bowes, copywriter for NeuroGym
"In my position running an affiliate management company, I get to see behind the curtains A LOT!
It's like I have an all access pass to the REAL numbers, stats and figures that you hear the gurus and marketing geniuses brag about on their webinars, sales letters, and forums. Let's face it... sometimes those numbers are... well, padded.
So you can imagine my surprise to learn of Daniel's success and see his numbers! And it's truly rare to see someone delivering $5, $10, as much as $20 EPCs to affiliates so consistently.
If you do business online, rule number one is GROW your list. But who cares if you have a list if you aren't great at monetizing it?! Science of Client-Getting will show you how to turn your list into your very own bloated cash cow."
David Gonzalez, Simply the Coolest, LLC
"It's Truly Rare to See Someone Delivering $5, $10, As Much As $20 EPCs..."
Click Play for The Client-Getting Chronicles
- How Rich Coaches, Consultants, Advisors, Agencies, Service Pros and Solution Providers Are Signing Dream Clients Now...

"Science of Client-Getting is a complete step-by-step system for list-building, lead generation and client-getting that results in serious profits within days.
I hacked together a sales sequence for one of my clients (just to see if Daniel was full of hot air or not) and we brought in over $30,000 on just the $1 trial offer from a list that had not bought a single product in over 4 years.
When the payments kick in, this promotion should result in at least $60,000 to $80,000 in total sales.
Daniel's system just plain works. Get it. Use it. Profit. And repeat."
John "Angel" Anghelache, www.JohnAnghelache.com
"We Brought In Over $30,000 On Just the $1 Trial Offer ..."

“I can rant and rave about how awesome and amazing Daniel’s copywriting services are.
I can tell you that Daniel has filled a creative writing void for me when it comes selling my services at premium prices. I can even go so far as to say that you will not find a better mentor out there anywhere.
Of all of the “gurus” I have invested in over the years, Daniel is the ONLY one that has PERSONALLY invested in my success.”
Brian C. Nate,
Insurance Sales Expert

“Woke up to another monthly sale renewal -- which took me over $20K since end Sept! Yee ha!
Sounds small beer I'm sure, but for me this is just awesome to see, as it's $20K I wouldn't have got if I'd blogged for free like the same quarter last year.
Now looking forward to planning for January and the Maverick Report launch brimming with a newfound confidence. Thank you so much for inspiring and helping me to get out of my comfort zone, Coach! Really appreciate it.”
Sally Church, Biotech Consultant

"This System of Yours Is Like Rocket Fuel When You Get It Right"
"You Will Not Find a Better Mentor Out There Anywhere.."

“Thanks for your “labor of love” here, Daniel. You’ve obviously poured a tremendous amount of your experience and insight into this project. In fact, I suspect this one module alone will be worth more to my business than what I paid for the entire program… and there are still 6 more modules to go! This is exactly what I need right at this moment. Looking forward to applying your lesson to the worksheets and then putting the outcome in action!”
James Zboran, Copywriter and Marketing Consultant
"Module ONE Worth More Than Entire Program ..."
"Daniel's program fills the holes, covers all the bases, and delivers a total blueprint..." - Tom Ruwitch
"I went all in and invested in the Lifetime Program..."
- Glen Campbell, Brandheart Method

“Do yourself a solid and listen to every freaking word Daniel has to say, and implement his suggestions. Initially, you might resist a few of his hard-hitting wake up calls. But in the end, you'll thank him for beefing up your bank account and helping you make your prospects and clients so damn happy.
It's like being force-fed nothing but brussels sprouts for months and then very suddenly being sprayed with a firehose full of chocolate. You didn't know such a magical, delicious thing existed, but now that you do - you won't settle for less.
Joshua Voiles

"I researched and found Daniel's Science Of Client-Getting Program because I needed help writing emails. Before this program, my business did not have a foundational lead generating system. The thing that I love about this program is that I learned how to create a powerful Lead Generation Magnet and Sales Page and Daniel's critiques were invaluable. They helped me so much.
The mentorship is worth every penny I paid. I got my investment back in a few weeks, right after I implemented the LGM and the Sales Page in my business. Thank you so much!"
Jocelyn Tran, PHI Master USAmicroblading

"Worth Every Penny I Paid. I Got My Investment Back In a Few Weeks..."
"You'll Thank Him for Beefing Up Your Bank Account..."

“Not only did this give me an excellent system to model my own work on, it helped me add massive value to my clients as conversions simply went up. The fact of the matter is, the ‘done for you’ templates and systems allowed my team to scale rapidly, yet all the while developing a valuable asset in the strength of our marketing.
Another added bonus was the business element of the curriculum, which gave me financially valuable ideas that we were able to leverage immediately, and within 4 months we had scaled to a mid-6 figure turnover with relative ease. A huge win!"
Dan Meredith
The Fitness Copywriter
"Scaled to a Mid Six-Figure Turnover Within 4 Months..."

"Daniel Levis just 'gets it' in a way that few others do when speaking on this complex subject.
I love his approach, which begins and ends with telling compelling stories and his concept of taking ageless ideas that have captivated people through the millennia and recycling them.
This makes me think about one of my rules of thumb which is to 'steal smart.'"
Brian Kurtz, Executive VP, Boardroom Publications
"Daniel Gives You a Blueprint for Becoming a Great Marketer and Writer!"
"I have a terrific memory method, and I haven't been able to sell it at all. Then I started working with Daniel Levis..." - Neil Kutzen

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